WELCOME! The Bridlewood Swim and Racquet Club was incorporated by the residents of the subdivision in March of 1989. It is a nonprofit organization primarily supported by annual membership dues. Fiscal responsibility is under the direction of an elected Board of Directors. At present, Bridlewood is the only neighborhood community in the area with a swimming and tennis facility.
Rules and Regulations
1. Swim at your own risk. In case of emergency, call 911 on the phone located in the storage room. First-aid supplies are located there also.
2. Members and guests only. Guests must be accompanied by at least one person from the member family. Special Note: Bridlewood homeowners and renters who are not members may NOT be guests at the facilities--we want them to join and support the organization! The exceptions would be special club events, pool parties, socials, etc.
3. A key must be used to enter the gate. Please do not jump the fence. We usually open by Memorial Day and close when it gets too cold to swim�generally near the end of September.
4. Children under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by an adult. This is an insurance regulation. Please do not �send� a child to the pool �thinking� someone else is there to watch them. A member-PARENT must be present to supervise swimmers after 11:00 PM. (We�ve had some problems in the past with unsupervised �late-night� swimmers, including, noise, alcohol, litter, vandalism, etc., and find that if a parent is present these problems don�t surface.)
5. NO running or rough play in the pool area. Profanity or abusive language is not suitable for the family-oriented atmosphere of the facility. Watch out for smaller children during play.
6. NO pets in the pool area and NO glass containers---we are governed by DHEC and they will ticket us if they inspect and find either. DHEC does NOT allow small personal (wading/kiddie) pools of any kind.
7. Keep the pool area, bathrooms, and storage area clean and orderly. We do not have a cleaning service -and- the Board of Directors is not a management service. PLEASE check behind your children when they use the restrooms�this has been a �problem� in the past. Sweep and/or wash-down food/drink spills to help with ant control. (Directors and members that clean or work on the pool do not get a discount--each pays the annual membership fee just like you.) Do your part to help clean up when you see a mess.
8. Remove all floats, toys, etc. from the pool when you leave. This helps the filter system run more efficiently. Turn off all lights and lock all gates if you are the last one out of the facility.
9. The pool is available to members for parties. The pool does not �close� to accommodate a party. A one-party-per-day limit is the general rule to avoid overtaxing the filter system. Use the calendar posted at the pool to sign-up for a day�please post your party BEFORE you publicize it to help avoid awkward situations. Folding tables are available in the storage room. Since the week-ends are generally crowded, please try to host parties Monday-Thursday.
As a general rule, parties cannot be hosted to accommodate non-members. (For example, if YOU host a birthday, going-away, etc. party for a non-member, that is fine. However, if a non-member wants you to host a party for their child, church, club, etc. that would not be appropriate--suggest they join and host the party themselves.)
Clean-up after a party is a must! A check-list will be posted to guide hosts in what to do. A $25 charge will be levied against the host if the pool is left in a mess. It is advisable for the host-member to be present for any party (especially those involving teens) since the host is ultimately responsible for any damage.