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Scouts meet Monday evening at the Scout Hut on Third Street in Cheraw.  Most meetings are conducted outdoors in the adjacent Council Ring.

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50-yearAwd.jpg (4886 bytes) Troop 655 is sponsored by the Methodist Men of the First United Methodist Church in Cheraw, South Carolina.  This troop has been in existence for over 50-years and looks forward to the next 50!  umc.gif (1002 bytes)
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Here is one of Mr. Ingram's favorite stories.  It is a Cherokee tale about an evil woman named Utlunta, or Spearfinger.....Click on the picture at the left to read the story.

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Ever had "second thoughts" about becoming an Eagle Scout.  Click on the article to the left and read what The State newspaper has to say.  Earning your Eagle Award does make a difference.  Climb the trail!

An excellent poem entitled "Good Timber" from Mr. Ingram's library.  Good reading for all parents that want to "shelter" their scouts!
bsabrb_03.gif (965 bytes) Need a Physical Form for Camp?  Click here to download and print one.
A few helpful links and forms for you.....
          Pee Dee Area Council, BSA can be found at:
          Santee Lodge #116, Order of the Arrow:
          An Eagle packet (Adobe Acrobat file):  EaglePacket.pdf
          New Eagle Workbook (Adobe Acrobat file):  NewEagleWB.pdf
          Where do those patches go? -and- What is Mr. Ingram looking for during inspections?:  ScoutUniform.pdf
          Merit Badge Requirements:
          Another Source for Merit Badge Information: