McColl Museum
Located at the corner of North Marlboro Street and West Gibson Avenue in McColl, SC

The McColl Museum showcases the town of McColl, South Carolina and its history.  Dr. C. W. Love donated his dentist office to the town in 1997 for use as a museum and library.  There are many exhibits in the seventeen sections of the museum.
The museum is open Sunday afternoons from 2:00 until 4:00 PM and by appointment.  The curator for the museum is Mr. Grady M. Hubbard.  He can be reached at 843-523-5522 or through the mail at PO Box 496, McColl, SC 29570
To view a USGS topographic map of McColl, click on the thumbnail at left.  The museum is located at the position marked WPT024 in blue.  The museum is located at UTM coordinates: 17 0633072E, 3836985N and at an elevation of 195 feet.

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